
Sociology, a social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and the processes that preserve and change them. It does this by examining the dynamics of constituent parts of societies such as institutions, communities, populations, and gender, racial, or age groups. Sociology also studies social status or stratification, social movements, and social change, as well as societal disorder in the form of crime, deviance, and revolution.Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer/Emphasis in Sociology
Major Code 1289
DescriptionADVISINGAssociate of Arts Oregon Transfer/Sociology Emphasis
SOC 204 Z
Introduction to Sociology - 4 Credits
Presents basic theories, concepts, and processes involved in scientific study of society, including culture, socialization, social structure, social interaction, and formal organizations. Some sections may have a no-cost text book option.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
SOC 205 Z
Social Change and Institutions - 4 Credits
Sociological analysis of social institutions, such as family, education, health care, the economy, and the state. Includes an examination of connections among institutions and their impact on patterns of inequality and individual outcomes. Examines the forces and dynamics behind social change, such as social movements, culture, economic forces, technologies, and the environment.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
SOC 206 Z
Social Problems - 4 Credits
Applies the sociological perspective to the study of social problems, including their social construction, causes, and consequences. Explores the complexities surrounding their solutions, such as how solutions are socially constructed and policy proposals from sociologists and social movements. Topics may include poverty, discrimination, interpersonal violence, crime, addiction, ecological crises, war/global conflict, and health inequality.
Quarters Offered: Summer, Spring
SOC 210
Marriage/Family/Intimate Relations - 3 Credits
Presents sociological analyses of topics which may include romantic love, sexual patterns, courtship and dating, intimate relationships, divorce, widowhood, remarriages, family systems in other cultures, family systems in America, current changes, and prospects for the future. Guides students into ways of coping better in their own relationships.
Quarters Offered: Fall, Winter
SOC 231
Human Sexuality - 3 Credits
A comprehensive study of human sexuality with an emphasis on sexual issues from scientific and humanistic perspectives. This course includes a survey of historical, cultural and cross-cultural variation in sexuality, sex research, female and male sexual and reproductive anatomy and physiology, gender issues, sexual response, sexual communication, sexual behavior patterns, love and sexual orientations.
Quarters Offered: Fall